4 Runners today. Blowing Dixie & A Mere Bagatelle 2m. 160yds. Hcap Hurdle at 14:00 (A Mere Bagatelle is a reserve but most likely will get in.) Balinaboola Steel runs in the 3m. 60yds. Hcap Hurdle at 14:30 and Way to Win runs in the 1m. 73yds. Flat Hcap at 17:10.
Blowing Dixie. Afraid of ground, if more rain comes he will be a non-runner
A Mere Bagatelle. Reserve in same race. Will love soft ground.
Balinaboola Steel. Winner last time out, Wants better ground, giving a better chance
Way to Win. First run, only bought a couple weeks ago. We were told he'll handle soft ground.
